Tuesday, December 24, 2019

What Is the Function of the Welfare State - 2096 Words

WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF THE WELFARE STATE? The question set is so broad that I shall have to be selective. I shall conduct my answer in relation to the British Welfare State. Before we can successfully understand the function of the Welfare State we must first be clear of its definition. Although I recognise that Britain has a long history of providing forms of welfare to its citizens though relief like the poor-law between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries, I intend to look at the post-war history of the Welfare State. I shall then move on to looking at the main provisions that the British Welfare State makes and how it works in a constantly changing society. I shall focus on the intimate relationship between the Welfare State and†¦show more content†¦The second line of thought is that the State also has the duty to not only help the worse off but also help those who are better off. The State should help the better off to ‘safeguard and improve their position in economic and societal terms. This supports Sta te intervention in various formally private services, for example, State pensions and government grants for students wanting to undertake higher education. It aims to make benefits more or less proportionate to individual earnings. The third line of thought that Sleeman identifies ‘has in many ways conflicted with both of the first two. It involves using the social services to reduce inequality of income and opportunity. It implies providing social security to those who cannot earn, which is not merely a minimum income (as the first view implies) but rather an adequate amount so that they can have an average standard of living. It also conflicts with the second view in that it implies relatively high, but flat rate, standard rates of benefit. This is still considered by the majority as the most desirable view; however it is also very costly. (Sleeman, 1979). Many argue that the central function of the Welfare State is a commitment to full employment. Indeed Marsh argues that it is certainly a defining characteristic of a Welfare State. Since the well-beingShow MoreRelatedEvolution and Growth of Administrative Law1760 Words   |  7 Pagesreferred to as the sociology of law , as it is with the changes in the society and the functions of the administration, that the scope of the term has widened and evolved. The following project intends to define the various definitions of administrative law, as put forward by scholars, and then trace the development of Administrative Law, from its origin to the present date. The paper also lays down various functions of Administrative Law, and its growth in India. Further, the author intends to outlineRead MoreEssay Juvenile Delinquency1499 Words   |  6 Pagesofficers, their agencies, and State legislators. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Contemporary Art Movement Discussion Free Essays

Art movements possess varying definitions that are given by art critics, historians and even artists. They emerge from Classical period and then followed by escapes or transitions from the traditions or a mixture of two movements that eventually give birth to another movement of a period. We will write a custom essay sample on Contemporary Art Movement Discussion or any similar topic only for you Order Now Contemporary art which is personally defined as â€Å"art of the present,† encompasses a number of artistic movements; one of which is performance art, a contemporary art movement that focuses on the acts of the artists who utilize their body to demonstrate a certain work or piece of art. Art pieces that are created during the late twentieth and twenty-first centuries belong in the realm of contemporary art. These are the objects of outgrowth and rejection of modern art. When abstract expressionism’s power and drive shrinks, nouveau art movements and styles arise during 1960s and 1970s to summon and to displace the modernism in visual arts and other media (Contemporary Art, 2008). The definition of the term â€Å"contemporary art† varies from art critics to art historians because confusion lies amid the two concepts: â€Å"modern† and â€Å"contemporary,† due to the reason that contemporary art follows modern art. Therefore, no one seems to agree with regards to the exact meaning of the term because there has been no particular agreement on when â€Å"modern art† has ended (What is Contemporary Art? 2008). However, other descriptions regard it as a term that generally refers to the art crafted on the second half of the twentieth century (Harry Carlton School, 2009). On the other hand, three simple definitions cover the concept â€Å"contemporary art. † And these include the following characterization: First, contemporary art is the art created after 1945. It is the meaning that is adhered by most museums; on the contrary, historians affirm it as outdated. Second, contemporary art is art produced in our era or lifetimes. It is the definition used by general art historians; however, it is too vague for the functions and purposes. Third, contemporary art is art produced since the 1960s. It is the description that is commonly utilized by art historians and critics but disagreement materializes as to the accurate cut-off date (What is Contemporary Art? 2008). Contemporary art is comprised by a myriad of schools, styles and movements that come to the front during the mid-1960s until present. These are conceptualism, performance, installation, video art, minimalism, photo-realism, earthworks, supports-surfaces, contemporary realism, new subjectivity, London School, graffiti art, transavanguardia, neo-expressionism, Britart: young British artists, neo-pop, stuckism and new Leipzig School (What is Contemporary Art? 2008). Performance Art The concept â€Å"performance art† has commenced in the year 1960s in the United States. It is originally utilized to define and describe any live artistic incident that includes poets, musicians, artists and filmmakers. It is also referred as â€Å"Happenings,† â€Å"Events,† and â€Å"Fluxus concerts† (Esaak, 2009). The history of Performance art can be traced back to the Futurists and Dadaists who often promote their arts during the year 1910 with hilarious and shocking events. However, it is during the year 1950s when a French artist known as Yves Klein includes dragging naked women with whom he spreads and smears with paint across canvas on the floor of an art gallery. It is an accompaniment to one of his minimalist musical compositions. It is not until 1960s when performance art is acknowledged and recognized as a branch or art. Nevertheless, the term â€Å"performance art† is first used in 1970 (Performance Art, 2009). Performance art is a form of art that is concerned and focused with direct audience communication by the artists that can last from a few minutes to several days. There are cases when it is considered as a form of getting out to the institutional dominance of commercial galleries and aesthetic priorities of Modernism (Pookie and Newall, 2007, p. 225). It is the category when artists break away with utilizing only one traditional medium. Performance artists, most of the time, are exploring and seeking several artistic disciplines and creating works of art that may traverse traditional media borders such as works that comprise the aspects of theater, music and visual arts. There are also artists who are enthused in incorporating in their performance activities of everyday life and presenting it in an artistic manner (Byrd, 1998). Women in Performance Art During the advent of Performance Art, women have found their place and fame in the art world. Some of the women through the period have been known in the said branch of art. Among them are Laurie Anderson, Meredith Monk and Linda Montano. Laurie Anderson is probably the most renowned performance artist. It is in 1970 when she emerges. Her works explore and illustrate the relationship between people and technology. Her masterpieces are usually comprised of spoken text, music, projected slides and videos. She has been known for employing an array of synthesizers to create sonic soundscape and a vocoder to change the sound of her voice when telling stories of her life in the late 20th century wherein laptops and ghosts exist side by side (Byrd, 1998). On the other hand, Meredith Monk is another artist who crafts interdisciplinary theater pieces. She is a composer who deals with inventive and pioneering vocal techniques. Her works are mixtures of free elements and images that are not related to one another. However, it is the combination of those unrelated elements that make her works unique (Byrd, 1998). Linda Montano, on the contrary, is the artist who explores the nexus between art and life. Rituals for her can change one’s perception of life. During those times of her artistic development, she manages to perform life ceremonies that transpire for several years. One of her renowned work is the one in which she spends an entire year tied to another artist known as Teching Hsieh. They have been united and joined by a seven-foot length rope. They did not touch each other for the whole year (Byrd, 1998). Those are just a number of performance arts that have been executed by female artists. There are other performances and pieces that make use of their bodies as a medium on demonstrating a work of art. They reveal issues such as feminism and role of women in society. Performance arts are often open-ended and can happen anywhere. They are usually presented in a live audience and only performed once. Its theme is usually in accordance to the artist’s viewpoints with regards to the link and relationship between art and life, art and technology, people and art or anything that the artist desires to illustrate. Performance art has given way to the feminist agenda during the year 1970s. It is an individual, instantaneous and greatly effective means of communication. Women’s objective when executing and performing a piece is to create an alternative vision for women and their power and status in the world (Gaulke, n. d. ). Their pieces tend to problematize female subjectivity, evaluate personal history, and alter the position of women in society because women are usually excluded from the art world. Women artists, thus, work on different media; performance art and video art are most likely appealing because the new media has no past accounts on eliminating and rejecting women (qtd. Troy, n. d. ). Feminist performance art in the year 1970s encompasses diverse functions and purposes. Women artists never endeavor and attempt to craft a single philosophical system in their works (Gaulke, n. d. ). Their works of art are usually a mixture of different philosophies with regards to the upliftment of women’s status and role in the society, as well as its identity and belongingness in the art world. The Performance art is also an essential movement during those eras because it summons the Formalism movement (Troy, n. d. ), where artworks are confined to canvases, paints and plasters. Performance art serves an exploration to the faction between art and life. Artists have made ways to explore and discover the dynamics between artist and spectators in order to comprehend art as social and experiential (Troy, n. d. ). Analysis and Conclusion Performance art belongs in the realm of contemporary art because of three essential reasons. First, it gives birth to a new media in creating works of art. One of those media is the body by which artists, especially women, utilize in order to demonstrate a blend of philosophies on the role of women in society. Another media is the use of technology and the incorporation other traditional media such as paints and canvas while performing and executing a piece. Second, performance art bestows an opportunity for women to articulate and fight for their rights. That a woman needs not be oppressed in society. While men are superior in the traditional arts and Modernism, women have grabbed the opportunity to find ways on how to express themselves and how to struggle for their status in society. Their creations offer new perspectives on how to look at women and how to value them. They reveal and delineate their struggles and efforts in the form of performance art so that their voice, angst and activism will be heard. Third, performance art provides a space for the women to be recognized in the art world. Because women are oppressed, their talents, skills and abilities are not acknowledged. However, because of the advent of performance art, women have found ways on how to present their endowments. Performance art is not just confined to well-known female artists. There are also a number of men who execute pieces of art in order to present and to articulate their point of views in life. Performance art has given chances to ordinary people who desire to expose their artistic inclinations. Those art pieces that have been showed have helped and aided them in their artistic developments. A myriad of artists especially poets, musicians and theater artists explore, try and manage to achieve a performance art. They may be controversial, shocking, hilarious, still, for them, it is a way of communicating with the audience with regards to their outlook in life and art. How to cite Contemporary Art Movement Discussion, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte free essay sample

George Seurats painting A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of la Grande Jatte is a widely known painting in the era of impressionism with the technique known as pointilism. This painting is so unique because it is a painting that has taken so much time and careful thought to make. It was a long process for George Seurat to make this painting, two years. A painting make by moving your brush around is an easy painting, but George Seurat had to use dots to create his masterpiece. Over a period of two years he carefully places the dots of different colors. He could not mix colors so he had to place different colors next to each other to create optical mixing. Another reason why this painting is a masterpiece is because of the meaning of the painting. Nobody really understands the exact meaning of what this art represents. I heard some critics express that everyone wonders what the lady in black is starring at, and why is she so important in this painting. People also question the monkey that she is holding, what can the monkey mean. To me this painting represents tranquility, and peace. Just looking at this painting I could see that everyone is relaxed. Everyone one is just enjoying a quiet sunny day with almost everyone looking in the same direction. The way the people are dressed show that they are sophisticated people. I enjoy watching this painting because feel as thought I can just live in a place like that. This painting is really good for a decoration piece in your house. Your visitors will be talking about this painting, and the painting is just a timeless work of art. Impressionism was a 19th century art movement that began as a loose association of paris-based artists whose independent exhibitions brought them to prommence in the 1870s and 1880s. (Wikipedia) The name of this movement started from a painting from Claude Monet entitled Impression, Sunrise , and a critic, Louis Leory, made the term when he published his review. The characteristics of impressionism are light brush strokes that depict the different lights. -impressionists paintings are usually modern life like portraits and landscapes. Ainting realistic scenes, let the author portray visual effects, by using short brush stokes. Some techniques of impressionism is to use short thick brushstrokes in order to catch an essence rather than the details. Colors are also applied side by side, less mixing, to create optical mixing, just like pointillism. In impressionism black is avoided, so grays and dark tones are made by mixing complementary colors. -mpressionists paintings are also drawn in the sunlight in order to get the shadow effects. In history many artists have used these techniques separately but impressionism was the first to use all of them together. The impressionist movement can also be a reaction to photography. Photography compared to paintings did not match. Photography was obviously better and the critics would undermine the artwork as not being able to express realism. Impressionism began, so it can show that they can draw realisitc paintings but also show a different point of view. Photography was like a challange to artists. Artists were able to use different art expressions and look for ways to show what photography cannot. The important people who contributed to this impressionism movement were Frederic Bizalle, Gustave Caillebotte, Mary Cassatt, Paul Cezanne, Edgar Degas, Armana. Guillaumin, Edouard Manet, Claude Monet, Berthe Morisot, Camille Pissaro, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Alfred sisley. Impressionism was such a big movement that it inspired other art field to follow the movement like sculpture, music, and literature. From impressionism, post-impressionism was developed. Some of the artist considered the time of post impressionism were Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Gaugun, George Seurat, and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. There are many realistic shapes being represented in this painting, it is so realistic, that you can picture yourslef in the painting and in some way relate the painting to your own life. In this painting. The entire art contains two dimensional shapes. Even though this painting is two dimensional, it does not look dull or flat, this is the reason why George Seurat, decided to paint using the pointillism technique because it gave the painting texture. The repeated shapes across the painting make the painting balanced. The people in this masterpiece are made of shapes, and since they are repeated in the painting they create balance, instead of having a couple of people that will distract your eye, if not positioned right, and the painting would be unbalanced. Eventhough the people are perfectly placed and perfectly balanced, the largest women, on the right, has a dominance over the rest of the people. Her dominance can be because of her larger shape or even because her darker colors. Shapes can also express many emotions. The shapes of the people are normal, but our first thought when we see them in the painting is, to think about what they are doing. Viewers start to observe, and wonder why are they positioned like that, and what does there body language express. The way the people are shped gives the people a sense of mystery and that is what a painting should be, something to talk about and for everyone to express their own opinion. ? line Even though this painting does not have a continuous line, because the painting is made of dots, when you look at the painting from a distance you can see that the colors create lines. The lines are all over the painting outlining the peopl, the trees, the land, and the lake. The measure of the lines in this painting are thin lines and that gives it a good balance because the element that stands out in this painting is color. In this painting, lines are also represented in the background where about seven trees are standing next to eachother. These vertical lines give the upper right side of the painting very dominant because the lines are thick and the trees a re creating shadow. The value of the lines, that outline the people in this painting, are dark. They are dark because they have to contrast themselves from the different colors surrounding them. It is not always necessary but having a contrast between a light and a dark will make the image easier to be seen. Contrast in values is what allowas us to see the lines and shapes. Chiaroscuro , naturally blending lights and darks, is partially represented in this picture. The sunlight is directly hitting the lake, that is the highlight because you can see a very light color, and as you keep on looking down to the direction of the lower right, the painting starts gradually decreasing the value until it reaches its darkest value. The patterns in this paintng are very organized. The values in this painting do not have a drastic change. ? Texture In this painting a lot of texture is happening. This painting looks better this way than if it where made by solid colors. There kind of tex0ture that is used in this paint is simulated texture because the surface of this painting looks real but it is not. The texture and pattern that is cause by the pointillism is very helpful in detailing the trees and water and given the painting life. This painting is not three dimensional, but witht the texture that is being caused by the dots, it makes it look more interesting. COLOR Color is one of the most important part of a painting. Being ble to see the colors can affect our emotions directly. The better use of color in the painting, the more realistic it will look, the brighter the colors than maybe the affect can be happier rather than dark colors usually representing sadness. Colors are affected by light. If there is little light than there is little color, and if there is more light than the color would be more intense. There are many hues that are in this painting, the green is oviously more dominant because of all the grassland, and then there are the reds, blues, and yellows. This painting has every color and by the intensity of the light, this painting looks like a happy painting. Overall,based on the type of colors, this painting contains cool colors. It is cool colors because the most that I see are green from the grass and blue from the lake. Another positive to this painting is that there is color balance. There colors are not positioned in only one location, and also not like other paintings where they limit themselves to some colors. This painting has a diverse types of color and it makes the painting have harmony. Space is also important in a painting. Distributing what about of space you want will give it balance or depth. On eye level, this painting you are able to see people, and its perfectly balanced that the empty space between the people is positive because the painting does not seem clutterrd up. Some could say that this paintings is blurry because you cannot see the face clearly but it is clear enough to see some of the peoples facial expressions. ?

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Protestant Reformation Was Primarily an Economic Event free essay sample

The Protestant Reformation was a 16th century movement originally aimed at reforming the Catholic Church. Indirectly, its original motives were realized through the Catholic Counter-Reformation. However, the Protestant Reformation soon sought to break away from the Catholic Church for a variety of different reasons. Despite beginning as a religious movement, the Protestant Reformation came to incorporate political and economic motives as well. Martin Luther’s posting of his Ninety-Five Theses sparked the Protestant Reformation. Luther’s Theses were in direct response to the Church’s selling of indulgences, the sale of an exemption from sin. Luther felt that one could not simply buy oneself out of hell or purgatory. Further, his beliefs were born out of Luther’s deeply religious character, forever frightened by God’s impending judgment. With the advent of the printing press, Luther gained many genuine, religious followers. For example, Luther felt that women should not be required to confess their sins through a male priest; rather, women could confess directly to God. We will write a custom essay sample on The Protestant Reformation Was Primarily an Economic Event or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Luther also had other followers who had ulterior, political motives, like the German princes. German princes, like Luther’s protector Frederick the Wise, saw in Luther a patriotic mascot for their fight for power and independence against the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. The Valois kings of France also supported Protestantism despite being Catholic. Because France was involved in a war with Charles V, the French kings sought to use Protestantism to further splinter the German territories, weakening Charles V. Another king, Henry VIII also had political motives for breaking from the Catholic Church. Despite Catholicism being healthy in England, Henry VIII decided to steer England to Anglicanism, so that he could legally divorce his wife. Henry VIII, like many other Protestant political allies, also had economic side-motives. After imposing the Reformation in England, Henry VIII proceeded to dissolve English monasteries. Before, these church lands were tax-exempt. After dissolution, these monasteries became land for Henry VIII to sell and gain allies with. Another economic motive was to stop the flow of money from Europe to the Catholic Church’s city of choice: Rome. Many rulers resented the high taxes and inordinate tithes the Church demanded. Politics, economics and religion all played a part in propelling the Protestant Reformation forward. However, although the Protestant Reformation began as a religious event, it began to use economic reasons to fuel its ultimately political goals. For instance, Henry VIII and the German princes wove economic and religious incentives to serve their respective goals of divorcing and gaining power. Further, the Reformation as a mainly political event paradoxically supported secularism, despite being a religious movement. The subordination of economics and religion under politics foreshadowed the emergence of a new political character: the politique, a moderate willing to sacrifice personal beliefs for the good of the state.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Greek Art and Architecture essays

Greek Art and Architecture essays The ancient Greeks created what has become known as classical art. Many of Americas govermental buildings have been designed with classical Greek structures. Greeks are seen by many as the corner stone to the Western traditions of art and ideas. The Ancient Greeks are known for three main items; their sculptures, their temples and their vase paintings. The art work embodies much of what made the Greek civilization great. The Ancient Greeks organized into independent city-states. In these states the ideas of courage, valor and independence where strongly held values. These themes can be seen very clearly in their human depictions. The Greeks idealized humans showing the strong and youthful depiction of men and women. The topics shown in there vases reflect the importance of strength athletic competition and battles. Their temples reflected their Greek life was dominated by religon and so it is not surprising that the temples of ancient Greece were the biggest and most beautiful. They also had a political purpose as they were often built to celebrate civic power and pride, or offer thanksgiving to the patron Question: What changes have been made since early and modern Greece? The importance of Greek art and architecture for the history of Western civilization hardly be overstated, for the Greeks established many of the most enduring themes, attitudes, and forms of western culture. The stories told in Greek art and literature of gods and heroes have been retold ever since and continue to form common ground for the art, literature, and even popular culture of the western world. The Greeks developed three architectual systems, called orders, each with their own distinctive proportions and defailing. The Doric style is rather sturdy and its top (the capital) is plain. This style was used in ma ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

5 Steps to a Killer Cover Letter

5 Steps to a Killer Cover Letter Cover letters remain a hugely important part of the job search game- no matter what your friends are telling you. And yes, we know it’s the hard part. We know writing might not be your strong suit. We know the competition is stiff. But still, you usually have to write one, and it should impress. Don’t throw away what could be your best opportunity to charm the hiring manager. Rather than waste your time (and your employer’s time) with a total stinker, laden with clichà ©s, take the time to really showcase everything that’s best about you. Here are five steps to crafting a cover letter that will help you stand out from your peers.1. Wow ‘em from the startGrab them with your opening line, and draw them in. Make it so good that the hiring manager can’t help themselves but read the whole thing- without skimming. Use fresh language. Tell a story. Show your personality (but don’t get too cocky; remember to keep it professional) and set the t one for the rest of the letter.2. Be specificPick 3-5 points you want to highlight that prove you are a perfect match for the job description. Show you’ve listened to what they need, then show them you are it. Tell them specifically what you would bring to the job, and why you’re the only one qualified to do so.3. Be personalBlend the personal and professional so they’re seamlessly woven into one narrative of your competence and sparkle. If there’s something about you that didn’t quite fit in your resume, but which makes you just perfect for this position, emphasize it here. Make sure to tie your sharing into the job itself. A personal story about saving a cat doesn’t make much of an impression for a data entry job.4. Stick the landingYou don’t have to go for the hard close to make the lasting impression. In fact, if you’re too brazen with your insistence of being the candidate of their dreams, you might put off the hiring mana ger. Try instead to emphasize how much you’d love the opportunity to meet with them and display how your skills and experience could be a real asset to their company.5. Get it into the right handsPut your cover letter both in the body of your email and include it as an attachment. Try to find a real live human’s email address, whether an HR manager or a connection-of-a-connection, and craft an informative subject line. Make sure if you’ve been referred by someone in your network to include their name up front.Finally, his  send, sit back, and see whether you succeeded in nailing your cover letter and getting your dream interview.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Time management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Time management - Essay Example It never occurred to me that I could just wake up at the same time that she did and thus simplify what had been such a tiring exercise. Time management is a key factor in one’s life and how a person plans their time will determine their success rate at achieving the goals that they have set for themselves (Julie 56). My goals have changed since I was a child and now consist of an impressive academic transcript coupled with a successful job history that will enhance my Curriculum Vitae and last but not least, the development of a strong relationship with my family. In order to achieve these goals, I will need to develop a successful time management strategy as my current scheme leaves much to be desired. However, this can be improved if I put a little effort into the venture. One of the problems I am facing is the management of my study time in relation to upcoming examinations. I find that I either end revising too late for tests thus making it almost impossible to soak in all the information before D-day or I read too early resulting in my forgetting of half of the topics I have studied. Needless to say, this has affected my grades as a result making it harder for me to achieve the rainbow colors I so desperately seek in my transcripts. The solution to this problem I have discovered is quite simple, instead of focusing my study time on one particular time I can simply manage my revision so that I read a little each day instead of trying to cram everything at once. By doing this, I am able to retain the information that I study with greater ease compared to my previous marathon sessions. The combination of a demanding part time job and academic obligations have also made it difficult for me to get to work on time as it involves shifts and I either arrive too early for the start of mine or too late. The manager of course notices whenever I am late, and no doubt that will affect the level of praise he will heap on me with regard to my performance if I ask him to be a referee thus affecting the shining aspect I aiming for in my developing Curriculum Vitae. However, this conundrum can be fixed by a simple change of the means of transport I use to a more stable one. By using a taxi instead of taking the bus to work I am not left at the mercy of the bus drivers’ time schedules which unlike me, they are not as eager on keeping. Though this may be more expensive, it will improve my timing making it worth the extra cost. The complications that have risen in the management of my work and academic obligations have meant that the amount of time that I spend with my family has dwindled over time. Where we were once close with my mother and siblings, I find that I hardly know what goes on in their lives anymore affecting my goal for strong family bonds. Unlike the first two concerns, no simple solution is found for this except the obvious. I will have to give up some of my extra curricular activities such as the time I spend unwinding wit h colleagues and replace it with time spent with the family. I am able to unwind just as well if not better with my family as I am with my friends and this will give me time to catch up with the events that have occurred in their lives. The aim of achieving academic, career and family success lies in my ability to manage the time given to me the best way I can. By doing this, I will be

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Ethics Article Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethics Article Analysis - Research Paper Example These code of ethics help to ensure that the individuals who control the company’s infrastructure are recognizing their duties when it comes to financial decision making. Moreover these ethics greatly help in helping these individuals to take proper financial decisions in the business. Within a company a code of ethics is developed to which every individual of the company has to abide. However in some situations the code of ethics is not followed by the newer employees and they tend to break the codes. This in turn violates the code of ethics and the financial decisions become distorted. An example can be cited here about the senior financial officers who are already working in the company. These financial officers know that the information of the company should be kept confidential whereas if a new financial officer comes and he is unaware of the fact he might the leak the information out. And because of this leakage the financial decisions now taken would be not that effecti ve. Similarly the code of ethics also mandates it on the employees that they do not use the resources of the company inefficiently. However the company cannot measure all the minute activities of these employees and in order to abide by the code of ethics a company would be forced to involve more finances towards the check and balance of employees. While making financial decisions in compliance with the ethics it is necessary to see that the individuals who are involved do not have any personal or professional relationship with the issue. This can affect the financial decision making as the individuals who would have personal gains would tend to distort important information about the company. Financial Executives International is a company which abides by the code of ethics. `The company involves these ethics in all the financial processes that it implements. The company strictly follows these code of ethics and makes sure that all the positive cash flow is achieved after

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Telecommuting Case Study Essay Example for Free

Telecommuting Case Study Essay Telecommuting has been referred to as being the next big information technology (IT) trend. This trend aside from having financial benefits also reaps environmental benefits. The majority of people wanting or deciding to telecommute, wish to do so in order to avoid lengthy commutes by road, rail or otherwise. Telecommuting has the potential to provide significant transportation-related public benefits. (www.cnn.com) â€Å"Telecommuting is now practiced by approximately 2 million workers and could reach 7.5 to 15 million within a decade.† (http://ntl.bts.gov) These 2 million workers, now being removed form the highways, can substantially improve the congestion and air quality. Potential beneficial transportation impacts of telecommuting include reduction in highway congestion and associated lost time, reduced emission of pollutants, savings in energy and petroleum consumption, and fewer highway accidents. Computer and telecommunications advances in recent years, including computer networks and data systems, FAX machines, and electronic mail, have dramatically widened the choice of workplace for information workers and others so they can work wherever these tools are available, including at home. These technological enhancements have provided greater worker flexibility, empowerment of employees, and a reduction I of frustration from the irritation and time loss associated with commuting. â€Å"One result is that a substantial portion of the U.S. labor force, perhaps as much as 30 percent, now works at home at least part of the time.† (http://www.telecommute-now.org/telecommuting) Telecommuting does not necessarily mean that employees work at home. Satellite telework centers near or in residential areas, fully equipped with appropriate telecommunications equipment and services, can serve employees of single or multiple firms. These telework centers are usually developed based on geographical data rather than business functions. In many cases a shared facility provides a more practical and satisfactory location for telecommuting than the home, and a setting less threatening to traditional business management styles. Telecommuting is often practiced as little as one or two days each week, although it can be full-time. Telecommuters are primarily managers or professionals. However, telecommuting is highly popular to most information workers. Traffic congestion can have direct and indirect cost impacts on business activities. The direct costs of congestion that affect production costs include additional labor costs associated with longer trips made by employees during business hours, higher vehicle operating costs, and suboptimal vehicle use. â€Å"The trucking industry is both a contributor to and victim of traffic congestion. According to FHWA officials, the annual cost of truck delays on freeways is between $4.2 and $7.6 billion, based on vehicle operating costs and driver time charges. Time losses on urban streets, docking areas, etc. could range between $19.4 and $22.9 billion (excluding costs to industry such as lost sales opportunities in not having products available on time).† (U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO). 2001. Traffic Congestion: Trends, Measures, and Effects.) Indirect costs of traffic congestion include increases in accidents and insurance premiums, reduced or loss of employee productivity, and increases in delivery costs. The removal of telecommuters vehicles from the highways will reduce overall congestion. All vehicles on those now less-congested roads will operate more efficiently, cleanly and safely, and the occupants will suffer less delay.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

augustine :: essays research papers

Augustine "I loved the happy life but I feared to find it in Your house and so I ran from it even as I sought after it. I thought that I would be miserable if I were kept from a woman's arms. I did not believe that a cure for this disease lay in Your mercy; I had no experience of such a cure. I believed that continence was within a man's own powers, though I was unaware of such a power within me. I was a fool and did not know - as it is written [in Scripture] - that no man can be continent unless You grant it to him. And this You surely would have given to me if, with inward groanings, I had knocked at your ears and with a firm faith had cast my many cares upon You." (from The Confessions, Book 6, Chapter 11, circa 397-400 A.D.) Augustine was born in A.D. 354 in the town of Thagaste in Algeria. His father was a pagan and his mother was a devout Christian. Augustine was educated as a rhetorician in the former North African cities of Tagaste, Madaura, and Carthage. Augustine died in A.D. 430 identifying himself as the supreme â€Å"doctor of grace.† Augustine is, arguably, the greatest theologian-philosopher of all time. Some elements of Platonism can be seen in Augustine’s teaching. His view of the world is Platonic, there is the outer and the inner world, the lower and the higher, the sensible and the intelligible, and the carnal and the spiritual. To become wise requires a movement of the mind inwards and upwards to God, an opening of the mind to truth which provided the mental vision that has been purified by faith. His theme of the divine in the world and in man is more biblical than Platonic, which allowed him to regard the material world with a reverence that would be impossible for a Platonist. His doctrine of evil as no-thing, a privation, is different from both Platonic thought and Manichaeism. A philosophical question faces Christians, and in fact all theists, that challenges the belief in God. To theists, God is an omnipotent, perfect God. He is good. Theists accept this, and embrace it, for how else can they worship God and give their lives to Him unless He is good? However, in this world, everything is consumed by evil. If God is the author of all things in this world, and he is good, theists must then ask themselves what is evil and where it came from.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Recruiting in the High Schools Essay

You see them everywhere dressed up head to toe in camouflage and shiny boots, with the image of a super hero. With the recent conflicts in the Middle East, parents across America have protested the military being inside of our children’s schools auctioning off a better life. Let’s face it, who can give a better life to you than your mother? In 2002 the government made a flagship program designed to help underprivileged kids called the â€Å"No Child Left Behind Act†. â€Å"Since 2002 the â€Å"No Child Left Behind Act† has meant that US schools which receive government money must allow the military in to talk to students† (Act of Congress). So this poses a huge problem for the parents that are trying to fight to get the military out of the schools and to put a ban on recruiting from within the confines. The military shouldn’t be able to recruit in high schools for many reasons. The most important reasons why the military shouldn’t recruit inside of high schools is because the mind of a high school student isn’t developed enough to make the right decisions to join; the military gives false hope to kids of financial freedom, and the possibility of death isn’t realistically depicted by the recruiters to the high school students. Why are we recruiting in high schools instead of on college campuses? There could be a lot of reasons behind it, but first and foremost is that seventeen year olds aren’t ready to join. The mind of a seventeen year old isn’t fully developed until their in their twenties. So the judgment of a right and a wrong decision isn’t mindfully thought through. Yes, a seventeen year old only needs a high school diploma and parental consent but, how can they think they are ready for war when they can’t even drink alcohol or vote for their commander and chief? In high schools there are cliques and like any kid they want to be in these so called cliques. Robert Ayers discusses in his book how kids are looking for a clique or group to belong to, â€Å"High school kids are at an age when being a member of an identifiable group with a grand mission and a shared spirit — and never underestimate a distinctive uniform — is of exaggerated importance, something gang recruiters in big cities also note with interest and exploit with skill† (William Ayers). Ayers is depicting to us how easy it is to manipulate, and convince a young mind, seventeen years old, just wants to be part of a group with an image no matter what group it is. All someone has to do is depict an image of greatness and the young people are sold. The fact and bottom line is that our kids look up to a glorified image that the military and their commercials depict from a young age and they shouldn’t be capitalized on nor taken advantage of due to this overwhelming lopsided image. The military is currently under quota of manpower that they need to run a successful defense, so turning to seventeen year olds without the knowledge of military recruiting tactics is the logical and more efficient way to get people to join our depleted military. But this is not a reason to prey on sixteen and seventeen year olds who aren’t even old enough to vote nor drive, but they can make life and death decisions to join the military. But having the undeveloped brain, like we all went through, as they do they are not old enough to cypher through the presentations that the recruiter gives in order to make a valid and rational decision. Why do you see more recruiters in poverty stricken areas contrast to those in areas of good or well financial being? This is because the military is unethically targeting the vulnerable kids in our school system. Recruiters unethically target low income kids while promising them financial aid for school after these students serve in the military. Some of the students are promised is school fully paid for via the â€Å"Post 9/11 bill† and the â€Å"GI Bill†. But if you go www. va. gov website you will see the underlying criteria to actually get 100 percent free tuition. The Veteran Affairs website referenced these criteria’s; Active duty status, months and years served, months retired and a plethora of underlying circumstances. Getting high school students seem to be the plan for high school students, â€Å"The U. S. military’s practice of targeting low-income youth and students of color for recruitment, in combination with exaggerated promises of financial rewards for enlistment, undermines the voluntariness of their enlistment† (Soldiers of Misfortune). So why does the military seem to recruit people of color? Well according to www. census. gov the website tells us a lot about Caucasian children eighteen and under below the poverty line was seventeen percent and the children of the minority races were thirty five percent and higher. So this is actually the ideal place for a recruiter to so called â€Å"fill their quota†. Going back to the argument of recruiters promising false financing of school, this could be an advantage for the recruiters. Promising people who don’t have anything something is unethical and misleading. This is mostly unethical because the recruiters that are usually E-4 to E-6 have no pull to get you in different schooling programs nor give you the position that you could want, in terms of career and financing. â€Å"Many possible recruits are promised that they will receive tens of thousands of dollars in education when, in actuality, 57 percent of veterans who have applied for Government Issue (GI) benefits have not received any financial aid, according to the non-profit organization Finding Alternatives to Military Enlistment† (FAME). Promising financial benefits to kids that less than the majority of the military veterans receive is morally and ethically wrong. Also, the recruiters don’t tell you that in some circumstance you can’t attend school while in an â€Å"Active Duty Status†. Reason being is that you could get deployed and be called off to duty at any time and then the government would have to reimburse the institution for the incomplete credits. The recruiters also don’t tell recruits that if you are a reservist you are not eligible for the GI Bill, being in the reserve status it will be impossible to accumulate four years’ worth of active duty. The military also made it so that this could never be reached, it’s like a safe guard they have in place. The U. S. government also targets disadvantaged communities and areas. The philosophy of recruiters seem to be â€Å" The more in poverty a student is, the more likely they will look for a way out and join the ranks†. When the recruiters target these areas their showing that the more fortunate kids lives are more valuable and worth sparing more than others. It just isn’t right to exploit children from these backgrounds and hold their lives to a lesser status than other backgrounds. Why isn’t war realistically depicted to recruits before they join? Because, it’s nothing like what you see on the video games like â€Å"Call of Duty† or movies like â€Å"The Expendables or The ‘A’ Team†, when people shoot a plethora of bullets at you someone or something gets hit. â€Å"War is catastrophic for human beings, and, indeed, for the continuation of life on Earth. With over 120 military bases around the globe and the second largest military force ever assembled, the U. S.  government is engaged in a constant state of war, and American society is necessarily distorted and disfigured around the aims of war† (William Ayers). A good statistic that should be shared while a recruit is debating whether or not to join the military is, â€Å"During the last decade of that spectacular century, two million children were killed, 20 million displaced, six million disabled† (William Ayers). Now this is a statistic that should get shared with recruits along with the good statistics that are put in there to glorify military service. Another good fact that recruits probably don’t know about â€Å"108 million people were slaughtered in wars during the 20th century† (William Ayers). Now the recruiters should tell the recruits to put this into perspective. 108 million people like you and me were killed within 100 years due to war and military conflict. The kids in high school need to understand that those were kids their age and younger, on some continents that were getting killed over things not fully understood. Then when your contract is up and you are honorably discharged from your branch of service people are still left with images of war and relive it every day. â€Å"Vets suffer long-term health consequences including greater risk of depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, sleep disorders, and more. About one-third of Vietnam vets suffered full-blown post-traumatic stress disorder. Another 22% suffered partial post-traumatic stress disorder. This is the nature of the beast. Anyone who’s been there knows† (William Ayers). If kids the age of 18 and lower are allowed to see and experience these things, then when their brains are fully developed they will be brain washed and war could be instilled in them with no turning back. This could also be that kid’s brains are not fully developed so they don’t have a clear concept of death. Recruiting in the high schools is ethically wrong due to the lack of the recruits’ brain development to cypher through and make a decision based on facts instead of the image the recruiters portray of the military. Also, the recruiters promise tens of thousands of dollars to these kids when that is a very farfetched truth. The recruiters need to tell them what you actually have to do to earn and qualify for that money so it can actually be yours’. Military recruiters also don’t depict a clear picture of war and all that is lost during it. People’s sanity, lives and total way of living are altered forever. Recruiting in high schools should be closely monitored in schools if not done away with all together. Kids eighteen and younger just don’t have a grasp on what’s reality and what’s fabricated. Works Cited Ayers, William. â€Å"Hearts and Minds: Military Recruitment and the High School Battlefield. † Www. democraticdialogue. com. N. p. , 07 Apr. 2006. Web. Cave, Damien. â€Å"Growing Problem for Military Recruiters: Parents. † Editorial. New York Times [New York] 3 June 2005: B6. Www. newyorktimes. com. Web. â€Å"Census Bureau Homepage. † Census Bureau Homepage. N. p. , n. d. Web. 02 Nov. 2012. . â€Å"FAME Time Series. † FAME Time Series. N. p. , n. d. Web. 02 Nov. 2012. . Www. gibill. va. gov. N. p. , n. d. Web.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Privacy And Security In The Digital World Essay

Technology can bring great freedom. As the commercials of the 90’s promised, the Internet offers previously unheard of access to information from the comfort of one’s own home. Of course, the amount of information that computer networks allow to be freely-shared isn’t restricted to the card catalogs of major libraries, the lowest-possible prices or e-mails from friends and relatives. As technology has become cheaper, more powerful and nearly-ubiquitous new and, some   have argued, disturbing developments have taken place at the nexus of powerful technology and personal privacy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Credit card and debit card transactions can be traced, allowing access to one’s spending habits. On line, shielding such transactions from prying eyes has resulted in a world where ever-stronger forms of encryption are required to keep consumer’s financial information secure. Cameras are stationed nearly everywhere now, and some major cities are considering installing surveillance cameras in public places to monitor the streets, justifying it by alluding to the threat of terrorism. (Honan,  ¶1) Where a case is being made for putting in surveillance cameras, one will usually find the crisis of security vs. privacy tossed aside perhaps more quickly than it should be, with the proponent arguing on the side of security. Whatever their motives, someone is probably watching you in most private establishments, of course.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This raises a new question for society: where is the line between the reasonable expectation of privacy and paranoia in the Information Age?   It’s hard to find someone who likes the idea of their personal information and activities being collected by strangers. Interestingly, people almost universally express negativity toward any technology that monitors their actions but that negativity disappears when they’re asked if other people’s actions should be monitored. (Kleve, De Mulder & Van Noortwijk, 13). Everyone seems to detest motorists who run red lights but nearly everyone detests with equal venom the red light cameras designed to catch them committing the same traffic violation, so to speak.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The debate over security and privacy is hardly new. The nature of the debate, however, has changed in the past ten years. In a 1998 series of three articles, The Washington Post’s Robert O’Harrow Jr. wrote about concerns surrounding â€Å"data mining†. Data mining is an activity that really bloomed   in the last ten years. Because of the amount of electronic records consumers generate, there exists an opportunity for marketers to narrow down their sales pitches to ever-more specific demographics by obtaining and â€Å"mining† that data for particular spending habits.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The sheer amount of data that is collected, the consumer’s unawareness of it and the ways in which this data can be sorted, searched and drilled into as well as the lack of control regrading how that data is eventually disseminated and that fact that protecting that data requires constant technological innovation presents challenges to citizens and law-enforcement alike. (Jerry Berman & Deirdre Mulligan, II. B.).   Ã‚   To add to the general anxiety, the US government, following the September 11 terrorist attacks upon New York, began collecting information from telecom companies, without a warrant, which they intended to mine for activity they considered suspect. The program has proved so controversial that, at present, Congress and the White House are unable to agree as to the boundaries of government where monitoring private conversations is concerned (Chaddock). Interestingly, a key point of contention in this debate has been the role of private companies. When O’Harrow wrote about the potential for shady-activity surrounding how much of the information gathered by private data mining firms might be shared with the government, he was being quite prophetic. The telecom companies who cooperated with the government eavesdropping program now face the potential threat of billions of dollars in lawsuits for violating the rights of their clients (Chaddock,  ¶7). Whether or not to pass legislation that would immunize private firms from being sued by their clients for their cooperation with the warantless eavesdropping program has brought the legislation to a halt.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Telecoms provide Internet access as well as telephone service. Where the Internet is concerned, perhaps expecting any privacy is unreasonable. As Burman and Mulligan put it: â€Å"Imagine walking through a mall where every store, unbeknownst to you, placed a sign on your back. The signs tell every other store you visit exactly where you have been, what you looked at, and what you purchased. Something very close to this is possible on the Internet.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With the growing adoption of the Internet on the part of consumers–who are also, of course, citizens–over the past decade, it would seem that none of our habits, likes and dislikes or political dispositions are immune from being investigated by commercial or government interests.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It’s likely that as we become more connected by and dependent upon technology, we’ll have to become more accustomed, and skilled, at living in a world where we must assume that the details of nearly any day of our lives can be reconstructed by an interested party, and probably in great detail at that. Escaping society, or the ever-present electronic eyes thereof, is next to impossible. Most anyone’s location can be revealed to someone with access to the right technology. Any purchase made with a credit or debit card becomes a part of a mosaic that can be used to interpret the nature and habits of its owner. It seems that using any technology that allows networking carries with it a mandatory trade-off where one’s privacy is concerned. Now that the government claims it doesn’t require warrants to gather and make use of this information, it’s hard to see any walls that might obstruct the view of those who would be spies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In today’s world, privacy may not be dead, but it’s certainly not looking so healthy as it once did. The benefits of technology are many and most would agree that many of those benefits are marvelous. A GPS unit on a phone can alert emergency personnel to the location of someone who may not be able to do so themselves. It would be hard to reckon how many convenience store and bank hold ups may have been foiled by obviously placed security cameras.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For better or worse, we may have to adapt to an age where privacy is only to be had in the most remote wilderness. Unless, of course, you have a Global Positioning System in your car†¦or your cell phone, which you probably do whether you know it or not. Sources Cited Chaddock, Gail Russel. â€Å"House Set to Let Warrantless   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Evesdropping Law Lapse†. The Christian Science Monitor   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   15, Feb, 2008. Retrieved From:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Honan, Edith. â€Å"Blomberg Defends City Surveillance Camera   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Plan†. Reuters. Retrieved From: Jerry Berman & Deirdre Mulligan. â€Å"Privacy in the Digital Age:   Ã‚  Ã‚   Work in Progress† Nova Law Review, Volume 23, Number 2,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Winter 1999. The Internet and Law. Retrieved From:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Kleve, Pieter, De   Mulder Richard, V., Van Norrtwijk, Kees   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"Surveillance technology and law: the social impact† Int.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   J. Intercultural Information Management Vol 1 No 1. 2007   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Retrieved From: O’Harrow, Robert Jr. â€Å"Are Data Firms Getting Too Personal?†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Washington Post Sunday, March 8, 1998; Page A1

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Retirement Issues Essays

Retirement Issues Essays Retirement Issues Essay Retirement Issues Essay One year ago, the U. S. had the 10th best retirement-income system in the world. One year later, that hasnt changed, according to the third annual study of the pension systems of 16 countries by Mercer and the Australian Centre for Financial Studies. In its study, Mercer and ACFS measured the overall pension benefits that are being provided to the citizens of 16 countries, the likelihood that those systems will be able to provide benefits in the future, and the integrity of private retirement plans. Same as last year, the U. S. didnt get such high marks. In fact, the U. S. earned a C grade for its pension-plan system according to the 2011 Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index, the same grade awarded to Poland and Brazil. Read the Global Pension report here. The Netherlands and Australia earned the highest grades, a B+, for their respective retirement-income systems. Read my column from last year on the Melbourne Mercer index. By its own admission, Mercer and ACFS said comparing diverse retirement-income systems around the world is not easy. Retirement-income systems are diverse and often a number of different programs, according to a report published by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in March 2011. Classifying pension systems and different retirement-income schemes is consequentially difficult. At the moment, no country has a gold-standard pension system according to the Melbourne Mercer index. To receive a best-in-class grade, the researchers said a system would have to provide adequate retirement benefits, be sustainable over the longer term and be trusted due to its strong and robust governing structures. For his part, Nevin Adams, the director of education and external relations at the Employee Benefit Research Institute and the co-director of EBRIs Center for Research on Retirement Income, suggested that Americans should view the rankings with a large grain of salt.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Symbols and Motifs in Literature

Symbols and Motifs in Literature When you read a book, you might notice recurring themes within the text, which usually influence the storyline and provide clues into the plot or conflict occurring. In order to build and explain the theme, the author will use symbols and motifs. Many readers fully understand what a symbol is, but not everyone is as familiar with motifs. While they are similar and both serve to help us understand the material at hand, these two types of language arent the same. Both are crucial parts of creating a strong storyline that will draw in the reader and hold his attention. What is a symbol? A symbol is an object that represents something else, and in fact, are a part of your daily life, not just a piece of literature. You may not realize it, but you  encounter millions of symbols in your everyday life, such as: Traffic lights: Red light means stop, green means go, and yellow means cautionThe arrow means this wayA cross represents religion, or more specifically, ChristianityLight bulb means new ideaNumerals 1 and 0, put together, mean tenA heart means loveLogos represent brands, like the Nike swoosh or Macs AppleEven our names are symbols that represent us as individual humans Symbols can hold unexpected meaning, but upon further investigation, can make a lot of sense. For example, if you read a scene that involves a skunk lurking in the background, you might wonder what that animal could signify. But, if  theres something that foul in the works of your story, like a breakup or a bit of bad luck, the skunk begins to bring up imagery of something that is less than pleasant to experience. Thus, the symbolism.   To better understand symbolism, you might  ask yourself to consider what a variety of everyday objects might stand for if they were used in a piece of literation. For example, think about emotions or thoughts that come to mind when you see the following: Flowers (represent nature, birth, growth, femininity, beauty)Lightening bolt  (represents speed, strength, power, electricity)  Spider web (represents entanglement, entrapment, mystery) What is a motif? While a symbol might occur once in literature to signify an idea or an emotion, a motif can be an element or idea that repeats throughout that piece of literature. It is closely related to a theme but is more of a supporting role to the theme than a theme itself. It is within the pattern of repetition that the power and impact of a motif are found. A motif could, in fact, be expressed by a collection of related symbols. How do symbols and motifs work together? Since multiple symbols can be used to explain a motif, lets break down a few examples. Lets say we have a story about a family struggling to stay together, parents considering divorce. We might encounter a motif of fragmentation that could come from several symbols that appear in a book: Shattered glassA runaway (pet, teen, car)An explosionA scattered puzzle Sometimes a motif can also be a study on contrast, like the theme of good versus evil, or light and dark. A series of symbols that could represent this motif might be: Moon shadows (shades of darkness)A candle (a light in the darkness)Storm clouds (temporary darkness)A ray of sunshine (emerging from darkness)A tunnel (through the darkness) The symbols and motifs you discover in your reading will lead to the understanding of an overall theme of your book. To find the theme of a book, you should look for an overall message or lesson. If you do encounter the motif of light and dark in a book, you should think about a message that the author is trying to send about life. The light and dark of a story might tell us: Love survives deathLife renews itselfKnowledge conquers fear Tip: if you see a series of symbols or a collection of motifs, but you cant come up with a theme, try inserting a verb to describe the object.  If you see a lot of references to fire, for example, you can ask yourself what action we might associate with fire. Fire burnsFire destroysFire warms Consider which of these behaviors make sense in the context of the novel or story you are reading.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Poetry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Poetry - Essay Example This includes the season which is just as night starts in autumn, which is when the season of death, winter, starts. The short lines also make it seem as if there is not much left to waiting. The longest line is the first one, but its broken by the hard ‘b’ sounds. The other lines are very short, only three syllables each, and the last line is only two words. This makes it look like it’s coming to an end. 3(a) I think the meaning of the poem is that death waits for us all. A bird that usually symbolizes death is seen on a bare branch at the end of the living seasons and at the end of the day. I think this is how most people would interpret the poem. 3(b) The meaning of this poem is brought out through the poet’s use of literary devices such as alliteration, imagery and meter. Alliteration conveys the idea that something is about to stop and something else is about to happen. In the first line, the alliteration works on the repeated sound of the letter ‘b’ as in â€Å"bare branch.† This sound makes us come to a hard stop at the beginning of each word and makes us think of endings. This is reinforced by the imagery of the bare branch itself, which indicates life has stopped because all the leaves are gone. It is also reinforced by the meter of the poem because the line is so short. Alliteration is used in the second line to indicate that motion is about to start again with its rolling ‘r’ sounds as in â€Å"rook roosts.† Although the imagery includes a small bird finding a place to rest for the night, it also introduces a living animal into the scene which introduces motion, even if it is just the motion of breathing. This works with the meter to suggest the type of motion to be expected. The line is a full word and a syllable shorter than the first line, suggesting things slowing down. The bird roosts, which is to say that he is doing something. The bird is beginning to

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Strict Liability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Strict Liability - Essay Example The present study would focus on a strict liability offence is defined as one where â€Å"no mens rea need[s] be proved as to a single element in the actus reus†. Strict liability is also apparent when it has at least one element in the actus reus, even without the related mens rea. Strict liability lacks the mens rea element in relation to one of more elements related to actus reus. One of the classic examples of this case was seen in the R v Prince case where the conviction was based on the fact that the Offences against the Person Act 1861 were violated. In this case, Section 55 stated that whoever was to take an unmarried girl, one below the age of 16 years, out of the possession and against the will of her father or mother would be strictly considered liable for a misdemeanour. Strict liability is sometimes used interchangeably with absolute liability. As such, confusion is often seen between these two terms. Nevertheless, it must be understood that absolute liability ref ers to the liability without mens rea in conjunction with actus reus and without any defence like duress or compulsion â€Å"other than the fact that the defendant is under 10†. Strict liability is the liability imposed regardless of mens rea (in relation to actus reus); on the other hand absolute liability is liability even with the lack of mens rea (in conjunction with actus reus) â€Å"without the availability of any defence other than the defendant is under 10†. ... 141). Strict liability is the liability imposed regardless of mens rea (in relation to actus reus); on the other hand absolute liability is liability even with the lack of mens rea (in conjunction with actus reus) â€Å"without the availability of any defence other than the defendant is under 10† (Oxford University, n.d, p. 141). In instances when a state has favourable reasons for wanting to reduce certain acts and incidents, the reasons behind such prohibition may be associated with the harm principle, where incidents which would cause harm are being prevented. An example of an act which may be regulated by the state is driving. This is an act which can be defined without having to refer to a mental element (University of Pennsylvania, 2003). There may however be instrumental reasons which can be used to define the prohibition and regulation of the act as a strict liability act. In reviewing the benefits of imposing strict liability, a benefit may be seen in terms of cost. B ased on administrative assessments, costs before and during the adjudication of a case would likely be reduced with the application of strict liability policies (Oswald, 1993). The elements which have to be proved and tried in court would be reduced and issues encountered also largely minimized. The element of cost is significant because criminal justice often racks up significant costs (Page, 1986). If states would require proof for the commission of any offence in compliance with the elements of actus reus, the implementation of criminal justice would be largely unaffordable and significantly challenging for both the offended parties and the state. Strict

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Why does this author deserve his place in literary history Essay

Why does this author deserve his place in literary history - Essay Example his skills in writing as his way of speaking up and expressing his thoughts about the Black American’s family life, the social violence within the society, bias treatment of the white Americans over the African Americans when it comes to educational support, some political issues, and their desire to have equal freedom with the white Americans. In the process of writing, his novels and poets made him able to contribute a significant impact over the lives of many people including the history of the African American collection of cultural literatures. Today, the works of Hughes is widely used in the study of ethnic and cultural diversity. To some extent, Hughes writings enable the readers to understand the cultural discontinuity as well as the social and psychological damaging effects of being a subject of slavery in the past. (Comer, 1989: 213) As a way of proving Hughes’ worth on the history of literature, it is necessary to discuss and examine Hughes’ specific contribution to the African American society. To do so, I will Langston Hughes has written many books and short stories about the lives of the African Americans. Back in 1934, he wrote ‘The Ways of White Folks’ that describes some of the most tragic interactions that have occurred between the white Americans and the Afro-Americans in a humorous way. (Rampersad, 2001: 207; Rampersad, 1986: 277) The story also highlighted a general pessimism regarding racial issues and satirical realism. (Rampersad, 2001: 207) He also wrote a theatrical play entitled ‘Way Down South’ wherein he focused on racial discrimination issues that have been present on the lives of the African Americans for many years. (Rampersad, 1986: 366 – 369) With regards to political issues, Hughes focuses his writings on awakening the promise of Communism within the American society. In line with this matter, he wrote a poem entitled ‘A New Song’ in order to remind the Americans about the importance of a fair treatment

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Financial Literacy and Stock Market Participation

Financial Literacy and Stock Market Participation Kinar Timilsina THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FINANCIAL LITERACY AND STOCK MARKET PARTICIPATION BY RETAIL INVESTORS IN NEPAL 1.1 Background 1.1.1 Financial Literacy Financial literacy is defined as education and understanding of various financial areas such as personal finance, corporate finance, financial services, public finance etc. It focuses on the ability to manage personal finance matters in an efficient and effective manner, and it includes the knowledge of making appropriate decisions about personal finance such as investing, insurance, real estate, paying for college, budgeting, retirement and tax planning. (Investopedia). Financial literacy alerts individual to save money for their retirement period. Investments in financial asset helps them to increase their future wealth. Lusardi Mitchell (2008) write more financially literate people are more likely to plan for retirement and as a result they accumulate more wealth thus they participate in stock market . Guiso Jappelli (2008), Kimball Shumway (2007), Lusardi Mitchell (2006, 2007), and Lusardi Tufano (2009) (in Calcagno Monticone, 2011) confirm that knowledge about basic financ ial principles in consumer and products is scarce and may not be sufficient to guarantee that individuals make sound financial decisions. Less knowledge of financial literacy means little knowledge of financial matters and terms related to them such as interest rates and risk minimizing techniques. Retail Investors who has little or no knowledge of finance, that is a person who is not financially sophisticated, is more likely to fall prey to high cost borrowing and pay a great amount of money to attainment different financial services (Lusardi and Mitchell, 2011) . The financially literate persons have more financial wealth (Lusardi, 2004). The leading to the financial crisis of 2007 was financial illiteracy . It is important for decision makers to integrate financial knowledge and skills with real life processes leading to better financial interests (Atkinson and Messy). 1.1.2 Stock Market Participation Share trading in Nepal dates back to 1937 when the flotation of shares by Biratnagar Jute Mills Ltd. and Nepal Bank Ltd commenced the share trading which were involved in opening plantations in Nepal . The establishment of a formal stock exchange took place in 13 January 1994 with the incorporation of the Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE), which took over the Securities Exchange Center Ltd. established in 1976. It currently has a membership of 2 market makers 50 stock brokers. As per the Securities Act 2007, rules and by-laws they operate on the trading floor. The Nepal Stock Exchange (Nepal) is the main stock exchange in Nepal. It is one of the modern stock exchanges in South Asia, providing a fully automated trading platform. NEPSE operates the market on the NEPSE Automated Trading System (NATS. It adopts the principle of an order driven market. NATS is used to purchase sell physical as well as dematerialized securities. The basic objective of NEPSE is to create without cost marketability and liquidity to the government and corporate securities which is done by facilitating transactions via market intermediaries such as brokers and market makers, etc. in its trading floor. The headquarters of the NEPSE have been situated at Singha Durbar Plaza, Kathmandu Nepal Nepal Stock Exchange is the only stock exchange licensed by the Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON). It was nearly 23 years ago that, formalized share trading commenced in Nepal under the Government of Nepal and trading was conducted under the rules and by laws formulated by the Association. It was only as recent as in 1994, that share trading in Nepal took a new turn with the establishment of a public trading floor and the introduction of the open outcry system of trading until 2007. In 2007, NEPSE moved to screen-based trading from open outcry by setting up Wide Area Network. It enabled stock brokers to be connected with NEPSEs server from their offices. The partial automation of stock trading has helped boost transaction volume. NEPSE has adopted a T+3 system. It implies that after 3 days of Trading, settlement of transactions should be done. The clearing and settlement procedures of the Nepal Stock Exchange were automated in 2011 with the establishment of the CDS and Clearing Limited. It is a company established under the company act promoted by NEPSE. The depository is known as the Central Depository System (CDS). CDS performs the role of central depository for Equity, Bonds etc. to handle these securities in dematerialized form. In 1994, an Over the Counter market for trading of unlisted shares was introduced for the first time in Nepal, Securities Exchange Center (SEC) managed the operation of secondary market over-the-counter facility. The delisted firms and state-owned corporations registers with the over the counter market (OTC) to allow trade of their shares. Shares without others finding out the price at which the transaction was done, can be bought and sold at the OTC market. Thus, the OTC market is less transparent than stock exchanges, and are also subject to fewer regulations in practice. The OTC market is rarely used to trades shares in Nepal. In 2012, shares of Nepal Bank Limited were traded in the OTC market for the first time where 71,928 Nepal Bank shares were transferred to its 2,664 employees that belonged to government. SEBON as the market regulator has been concentrating its efforts on intensifying statutory and legal frameworks which are the bases for the healthy development of Nepalese stock market. The main objective of SEBON is to flourish and safeguard the interest of investors by regulating the securities market, to supervise the entire stock market, sale and distribution of securities and purchase, sale or exchange of securities. SEBON provides licenses to stock exchange and securities business person. It also monitors the activities carried by stock exchange to know if they are in accordance with the laws, bye laws or not. As per the securities regulations the depository functions such as safekeeping, deposit, and securities certificates withdrawal and transfer of ownership/rights of the said instruments of Securities will be carried out by SEBON. Nepalese stock market is still underdeveloped and there is lapse that needs to be identified. Hence, the present study is conducted in order to f ind investors awareness and participation in Nepalese stock market. 1.1.3 Retail Investors in Nepal Investing Answers defines retail investors as an individual who purchases securities for his or her own personal account rather than for an organization. Generally retail investors trade in much smaller amounts than institutional investors such as pensions and mutual funds. Unfortunately, there is no data on the investors. But estimates are that there could be nearly 1 million retail investors (Ghimire, 2016) .The major problems of the stock market are unavailability of information, influenced by small number of large investors, insufficiency of legal rules and regulations, insufficient number of brokers and issue managers rumor based market, insufficient knowledge of investors etc. The retail investors are mainly driven by the rumor based market. (Dahal, 2010) . 1.1.4 Stock Market Participation and Financial Literacy While reviewing the previous research, I found that financial literacy can have direct implications on stock market participation by retail investors . People with low financial literacy are more likely to have problems with debt (Lusardi and Tufano 2009), are less likely to participate in the stock market (van Rooij, Lusardi and Alessie 2007), are less likely to choose mutual funds with lower fees (Hastings and Tejeda-Ashton, 2008), are less likely to accumulate wealth and manage wealth effectively (Stango and Zinman, 2007; Hilgert, Hogarth and Beverly 2003). 1.2 Statement of Problem There has been few research conducted on financial literacy in Nepal. Some of them are (Bharat Singh Thapa, 2015) College students have basic level of financial knowledge and their level of financial knowledge is determined by their family income, age, stream of education, type of college they study and their financial attitude. The study found that in basic level of finance, students are more knowledgeable while students are less familiar with bank credit, taxes, financial statement, insurance, and share markets. (Chaulagain, 2015) Financial literacy of individuals increases the likelihood of access to sustainable finance for identifying and consuming appropriate financial services competitively. The financial literacy is necessary but not sufficient condition for enhancing access to finance, neither it is a panacea for all the financial problems. Baidhya and Parajuli (2004) Awareness increase amongst the general public about the capital market, regarding nature of risk and return, through promotional campaigns, seminars, publications, and programs in FM/TV etc. In those research, they are focused about determinant of financial literacy and stock market awareness. In this research, we are concerned about the relationship between financial literacy and stock market participation by retail investors in Nepal. Probably this research has never been conducted in Nepal before. This research tends to meet the shortcoming of comprehensive measures of financial literacy and is linked with the economic outcome: Stock market participation by Nepali retail investors. 1.3 Research Objectives The main objective of this study is to find out the relationship between financial literacy and stock market participation by retail investors in Nepal and to measure retail investors financial knowledge. 1.4 Significance of the study The findings of this study will be useful to Nepal Stock exchange (NEPSE), Security Board of Nepal (SEBON), Policy makers, individual retail investors and different government agencies. With the help of my research, people will be able to know the impact of financial literacy on stock market participation by retail investors. My research will help the academic sector and business school students. Part of the core activity of the Securities Board of Nepal is investor education and awareness. As such the SEBON has a division to facilitates this divisions. Different financial awareness programs have been actively conducted over the years in diverse location. With this research, SEBON can formulate targeted financial literacy programmes, especially on stock market. 1.5 Limitation of the study There will certain limitation while doing this study . There is time constraint of 6 months Study is conducted in Kathmandu area only . The respondent while doing survey may not be willing to give the proper data 1.6 Research question/hypotheses Research Question What is the relationship between financial literacy and stock market participation by retail investors in Nepal? Hypothesis 1: Null Hypothesis: (There is no significant relationship between financial literacy and stock market participation by retail investors in Nepal.) Hypothesis 2: Null Hypothesis: (Gender, age, level of education and specialization on personal financial management has no impact on stock market participation by retail investor in Nepal) . 1.7 Theoritical framework       The theoretical framework is developed as it serves as a foundation on which the entire research is based . Investors awareness is referred as the investor literacy and updated information about the investment environment. InvestorsÃâ€" ³ exposure and information about the industry is measured by the level of awareness. Many research has been conducted in this area. some of them are: Paudyal (2010) Nepal particularly can learn from Indian market. India has formed National Institute of Securities Market (NISM) with huge physical infrastructure with the collaboration of industrial houses and different universities regarding investors education and awareness. Similarly, it can learn in the areas of the functioning of stock exchange central depository system of securities, instruments diversification, investors education and awareness building, adoption of information technology and opening the secondary market for NRN and foreign institutional investors (FIIs). Baidhya and Parajuli (2004) Promotional campaigns, seminars, publications, and programs in FM/TV etc. can be used to increase awareness amongst the general public about the capital market, regarding nature of risk and return. Volpe et al. (2002) Investors knowledge varied with peoples age, experience, education, income and gender. The online investors are more likely to be influenced by financial misinformation and manipulation. So, they should have more knowledge about stocks than normal investors to succeed in the securities market. Maditinos et al. (2007) Professional investors rely more on fundamental and technical analysis whilst individual investors rely more on noise in the market and newspapers/media when making their investment decisions. Jagongo and Mutswenje (2014) The very important factors that guide individual investment decisions were: reputation and firms status in industry, expected corporate earnings, expected divided by investors, and past performance firms stock. Luigi Guiso and Tullio Jappelli on Awareness and Stock Market Participation was conducted in 1995 and 1998. The objective of this study was a) to analyze the lack of awareness of financial assets (1995 and 1998) in Bank of Italy Surveys of Household Income and Wealth. b) to explore the determinants of awareness c) to find that the probability that survey respondents are aware of stocks, investments accounts and mutual fund is positively correlated with education, household resources, long- term bank relations and proxies for social interaction. Haliassos and Bertaut (1995) They investigated factors explaining financial education and finding among its results whether university education influences more weight in the decision to invest in the stock market or those with lower educational provision, preferring savings deposits as an investment option. Attanasio, Banks, and Tanner (2002) They studied about implications of limited participation in stock markets and the asset market. Their finding shows that a) the probability of having or invest in assets, is associated with factors such as age, and educational level b) the positive effect of higher education in the stock market tends to decrease over time. Roncallo (2009) In his findings, Colombian capital market was backward in comparison to developed countries, Latin American countries, and several Asian countries due to the lack of knowledge and awareness of the general public and businesses. And also, highlights that the creation of specially designed market such as the Centre for development of the capital market institutions, for the strengthening and development of this market, has failed to make a real impact on the target audience i.e. businesses and the general public, evidenced in the lack of knowledge about the importance and functioning of the capital market. (Chaulagain, 2015) Financial literacy of individuals increases the likelihood of access to sustainable finance for identifying and consuming appropriate financial services competitively. The financial literacy is necessary but not sufficient condition for enhancing access to finance, neither it is a panacea for all the financial problems. Baidhya and Parajuli (2004) Awareness increase amongst the general public about the capital market, regarding nature of risk and return, through promotional campaigns, seminars, publications, and programs in FM/TV etc. 3.1 Research Design A detailed outline of how an investigation will take place. A research design will typically include how data is to be collected, what instruments will be employed, how the instruments will be used and the intended means for analyzing data collected (Business Dictionary, 2016) . Descriptive survey research design will be used because research intended to explore the relationship between different variables which forms financial literacy and stock market participation by retail investors . 3.2 Population and Sample Size The population of study will be comprised of key players in the stock market, which includes investors, employees working in stock market and stock brokers. This study will be based in capital city Kathmandu, where stock market activities are concentrated and people get involved in share market from around the country. The sample size for study will be as per convenience-sampling technique and respondents will be selected as per their convenient accessibility. 3.3 Nature and Source of Data This study is both quantitative and qualitative in nature. It uses primary data obtained through questionnaires for analysis. Questionnaires are the most commonly used instrument in gathering and measuring qualitative data because they present the same questions to all respondents thereby fostering a comparable basis for assessment. 3.4 Instrumentation of Data Different statistical techniques will be used for analyzing data, which includes regression analysis and descriptive statistics . Graphs, frequency tables and charts were used for results 3.5 Models Specification The model that will be used in this study is based on the equation and econometric model adopted from Chong Lal, (2011) as below Y= ÃŽÂ ²0 + ÃŽÂ ²1 +ÃŽÂ ²2 +ÃŽÂ ²3 +ÃŽÂ ²4 + à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‹â€  Where: Y = Stock market participation. ÃŽÂ ²o= constant term ÃŽÂ ²1 = Financial Literacy Score ÃŽÂ ²2 = Age of respondent ÃŽÂ ²3 = Gender of respondent ÃŽÂ ²4 = Income of respondent à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‹â€ = disturbance term with an expected value of zero. The model helps better understand how the independent variables are related to the dependent variable and explored the form of their relationship. 3.6 Reliability and Validity of Data The research superviser and research expert of Business school will be requested to evaluate the applicability and validity of the research . Pre-test and re-test method will be done before the actual research . Bharat Singh Thapa, S. R. (2015). Financial Literacy in Nepal: A Survey Analysis from College Students. Financial Literacy in Nepal: A Survey Analysis from College Students, 26. Business Dictionary. (2016, 12 17). Retrieved from BusinessDictionary.com. WebFinance, Inc. : http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/research-design.html CDS and Clearing Limited. (2011). Retrieved from CDS and Clearing Limited: http://www.cdscnp.com/ Chaulagain, R. P. (2015). Financial Literacy for Increasing Sustainable Access to Finance in Nepal. NRB Working Paper series, 18. Dahal, S. (2010). A STUDY ON NEPALESE STOCK MARKET IN THE LIGHT OF ITS GROWTH, PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS. Kathmandu. Ghimire, S. (2016, December 8). Retail Share Investors In Nepal. (K. Timilsina, Interviewer) Investopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from Investopedia: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/financial-literacy.asp Investopedia . (n.d.). Retrieved from NASDAQ: IAC: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/over-the-countermarket.asp Kathmandupost. (n.d.). Retrieved from Ekantipur: http://kathmandupost.ekantipur.com/news/2015-09-23/nepse-urges-otc-trade-of-shares.html NepalShareMarket. (n.d.). Retrieved from NepalShareMarket: http://www.nepalsharemarket.com/NepalShareMarket/NEPSE/Analysis/news/printerfriendly_news.aspx?news_id=NEW-003992 Securities Board Of Nepal . (n.d.). Retrieved from SEBON: http://www.sebon.gov.np/ The Himalayan TImes. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://thehimalayantimes.com/business/capital-market-may-need-another-exchange-to-spark-competition/ Wikipedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nepal_Stock_Exchange