Sunday, October 13, 2019

Procrastination: Should I Do it now, or wait till later? :: essays research papers

Should I do it now or wait till later?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Every person has their own style or way they accomplish doing work. Many feel the need to begin working on an assignment right when they get it. While others procrastinate and do not complete the assignment until right before it is due. There are many different attitudes that one may have when dealing with work. Everyone accomplishes work in their own way. Many feel the need to do their work right away, while some procrastinate to finish their work   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While looking at the way a person completes their work, there is the issue of revision. Some may believe that if one does their work right away, there is a higher quality of revision, resulting in higher quality work. This may be thought true because it gives the person more time to look over their work and revise it. Also, it allows one extra time to get help with the structure of their paper, project, presentation, etc. Even though all these points may be seemingly true, many people wait until the last minute to complete their work. Procrastination is seen most when revising work. People often miss mistakes that they might have seen if they had not procrastinated. When cutting the time, people often rush and make many mistakes that they would not have if they had the proper time. While revising, they still have fresh in their mind what the project or paper should look like, and see it how they think it should be. This in turn, makes them miss mistakes they might have seen if they had the appropriate amount of time to properly revise. Many argue the issue of the quality of work when comparing those who do things right away and those who procrastinate.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another issue with doing your work right away versus procrastinating is the availability of needed resources. When beginning your work right away, you have time to schedule out where and when you need to go to get the appropriate resources. The worker has time to plan out when to go when things are open, order any supplies needed, or schedule any interviews. Beginning your work right away allows the worker to get all the necessary resources, in order to produce the best work that he or she can. Procrastinating shortens the amount of time that one can get their necessary resources. If the worker waits till the last minute, they might not be aware of all the parts needed for their assignment.

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