Saturday, May 23, 2020

Different Types of Love in A Midsummer Night’s Dream Essay

Different Types of Love in A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a comedy, written in 1595 during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. This was when the society was dominated by men. During the period, England was ruled by a powerful and well respected queen. One of the many themes of the play is that of love. Many different types of love are depicted in the book. There is: Parental Love (Egeus and Hermia, Titania and Little Indian Boy), Friendly Love (Helena and Hermia, The Workmen), Unrequited Love (Helena and Demetrius), Official Love (Hermia and Demetrius), Argumentative Love (Oberon and Titania), Mad Sexual Love (Bottom and Titania),Passionate Love (Hermia†¦show more content†¦She does not like her father’s decision and wants to fight against it. Although she is advised to do as her father wants, the love she feels for Lysander is to strong for her to ignore. In modern day society, parents tend to know what is best for the children and try to lead them into doing what they want. It all goes to show their love but sometimes it is taken too far. Hermia lived in a male-dominated society hence her father had the authority to do with her as he likes. Friendly Love This type of love exists between friends could have developed over a period of time and it can exist between different kinds of people. Helena and Hermia have this kind of love and would do anything for each other. It happens that Helena is in love with Demetrius who Hermia is being forced to marry. Demetrius does not want Helena but Hermia. Helena loves her friend Hermia but at the same time wants to get her man. By telling Demetrius of the planned elopement between Lysander and Hermia, she mind get her man and help her friend in the process. On the other hand, we have the workmen who put the play together. 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